14.11.2019 - 15:52

Catalina S. - Lisboa

  • Detalhes do projeto

    Fotografia imobiliária / Real estate photography: We are present in 11 European cities and we look for a Junior Photographer in Lisbon. You will be: - taking photos (can use your phone+wide angle lens) - creating a video tour (doing introduction in front of the camera) - making an easy floorplan with an app we provide - collecting information about the flat (price, deposit, etc.). Average visit takes 50 mins. And around 20 mins of: soft editing, uploading to our systems. You will be doing +15 properties per month with total flexibility. You would just have to update your availability calendar we would share. You decide when to be available. Pricing: per apartment shooted. Varies depending on the size of apartment and experience of collaborators. Average of 50€ per property in most cases. Here you can see an example of the material to create:

  • Formatos das fotografias

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